
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tips to be a good presenter


Hehehehe.... hari ni saja jer nak buka cerita tentang presentation...
huahuahua.............. (tiap kali nak buat presentation hati mesti gentar kan..) Semester ni, class kami dapat sorg lecturer yang sgt best.. bnyk tips dan nasihat dari beliau tentang how to do a good presentation..

Semester ni juga.. kami ada 4 kali kena buat presentation. ada 1 yang sorg-sorg dan 3 kali pula dalam group. Bila buat dalam group nervous system tu kurang la ckit dub dab nya kan.. tapi bila buat solo... Aduh mak... sangat berdebar2 kena lagi kalau no giliran terrrrrsangattttttt jauh.. Duduk tak senang, mulut tak henti2 bergerak2 praktis apa nak di cakap kat depan nanti... tapi bila kat depan boleh pula lupa apa nak cakap... hehehehe...

Ok.... to be a good presenter, there's a tips from our beloved lecturer (Mr Zayn Al-Abideen, 2013)

1.Body language - get some prop such as a pen to cover your nervous (saya bawa pensil bila dah abis present tertinggal pula pencil kat meja depan.. hehehe)

2.Eye contact - when do a presentation in small scale such as in the class, imagine that have another row in behind the last person sit down. (dah try buat.. tapi kadang2 termiss tertengok mata kawan sampai lupa apa nak cakap masa tu...)

3.Voice quality - some speech need us to raise your voice to make a point but must carefully because we don't want audience feel that we are yelling to them. (suara i rasanya sama jer tone dia hehehe...)

 4.Verbal crutches - ermm... ahhhh... lah... to reduce verbal crutches, close your mouth when you have nothing to say.. (hah yang ni mmg tak dapat den nak nolong.. memang x dapat nak tutup mulut.. masih juga suka buat bunyi ermmm....)

5.Rehearsal - practice speech, done properly with speak verbally and time yourself. try give a speech to a friend, relatively or mirror or use a technology such as cellphone (record yourself and watch the recording). (Ini pun dah buat.. minta tolong kawan rakam masa present.. bila tgk balik mmg x nampak pun kita punya nervous mcm mana.. hahaha.. bangga dengan diri sendiri Yey!!)

Semester ni dah lepas, next sem x pasti lagi ada berapa kali kena present.. tapi rasanya makin banyak kita buat, makin kurang kita buat kesalahan dan yang penting ianya dapat membantu kita meningkatkan tahap keyakinan diri bila berdepan dengan orang.. 

Hepi ending!!!

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